dental office for botox aftercare

Botox Aftercare: 6 Important Do’s and Don’ts

Botox has become increasingly popular since its invention back in 1978. You’ve probably heard about celebrities using Botox to tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles, but did you know that Botox can be used in dentistry? 

At Copper Creek Dental, we use Botox to treat conditions like bruxism (teeth grinding), TMJ disorders, and more. We will provide you with Botox aftercare instructions that you should follow closely. But there are a few basic do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind before you decide to get Botox.

Below, we explain what to do and what NOT to do after Botox.

Six Botox Aftercare Tips

1. Do Not Strain Yourself

You should wait at least 24 hours before engaging in any strenuous activity. Things like sports and exercise can raise your blood pressure, resulting in bruising at the injection sites. Light facial exercises, such as smiling and frowning, may be suggested, but you should wait at least three to four hours before starting them.

2. Do Not Massage the Area

Best advice is to keep your hands off. Avoid massaging the injection site areas, as this could move the Botox proteins to other muscles of your face. You should also try to avoid sleeping in positions where the injection sites are under pressure—it’s best to sleep on your back. Tight-fitting clothes and headwear can also affect your treatment, so do your best to avoid them for at least three days after a Botox procedure. 

3. Do Not Drink Alcohol or Use Over-the-Counter Medications

Alcohol and pain relievers may thin your blood and can cause more bruising at the injection sites than you would expect. You should wait at least 24 hours after your procedure before consuming alcohol or taking any over-the-counter medications.

4. Stay Upright

One of the most common questions about Botox aftercare is, “How long after Botox before you can lay down?” You should stay upright for three to four hours after treatment. Lying down can cause the Botox to move to other areas and lead to bruising. 

5. Stay Out of the Sun and Heat

Any form of heat can increase your blood pressure and promote bruising. You will want to avoid being in the sun or heat for at least four hours. However, we often suggest avoiding the heat and the sun a bit longer, for about 24 or 48 hours. This means avoiding tanning beds, saunas, and hot tubs, as well as hot showers and baths. 

6. Watch for Side Effects

Redness, swelling, and tenderness are common after a Botox treatment, but they usually subside in a day or two. Unfortunately, bruising is also an expected side effect—it usually disappears within two weeks. You can gently apply an ice pack to the area if needed. 

Some other, more serious side effects are rare but also possible. Seek medical attention right away if you have:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Speaking difficulties
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Poor bladder control
  • Any changes to your vision

Choose Copper Creek Dental for Your Botox Treatment

If you are considering Botox treatment for dental issues, you’ll need to follow our Botox aftercare instructions carefully. Rest assured that we have your best interest in mind at all times, and we’ll do our best to prevent bruising and other side effects. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to find out if Botox treatment is right for you. 

 Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (8/2/2024) Image by Rubén González from Pixabay

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